JCL Jeff Conway Law

Criminal Record Purges & Pardons


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    Criminal Record Purges & Pardons

    Having a criminal record affects employment and volunteer opportunities, professional membership eligibility, immigration status as well as your ability to travel outside of Canada.

    If you have been charged with a criminal offence, and have attended court or had your fingerprints taken, there will be a record of the occurrence. This is the case even after your charges have been dropped or you were found not guilty.

    In most cases, criminal records are not automatically removed, therefore, you must apply to your local police service to have your record purged.

    There are a number of eligibility requirements in order to qualify to have your criminal record destroyed. The destruction of a criminal record is often at the discretion of the local police service. At Jeff Conway Law we have assisted our clients through the process of having their records purged, and in instances where a request has been denied, we have been sucsessful at appealing those decisions. 

    If you have been previously charged with a criminal offence and you wish to have your criminal record destroyed, call Jeff Conway Law for a free consultation.